Friday 17 December 2010

My hobby

  My hobby is football. I like football because I like sport using that foot. I don't like sport that using hand because I always broke my finger when I play basketball.

  In football I like to be defender or midfielder. The team that I like is Spain and club is Liverpool fc. I like Fernando Torres and Cesc Fabregas because I think he's the best striker ever. The shoes that I like are CTR360.

Thursday 21 October 2010


Most lizards live in warm,sunny places,and often in hot deserts.Lizards bask in the sun to raise their body temperature.When they are warm enough they can move about quickly to search for food.As their body temperature drops,lizards slow down.

Shark Whale

  The biggest fish in the world is a whale shark. It is not dangerous as it lives on plankton, which is made up of tiny plants, fish eggs and larvae. This huge fish can reach 15m (50ft) in length.

    Shark belong to a very old family of fish that have skeletons of hard gristle rather than bone. Other members of this family are rays, dog fish and saw fish. They can be found in many parts of the world, but usually in tropical waters.